November 17, 2021

Calorie banking

Calorie banking Once patients have reached the maintenance stage, “calorie banking” is a very practical approach to help them balance their food intake for life. It stems from the idea that we live in a society that is basically five days on and two days off (referring to a work […]
January 19, 2022

What to eat to lose weight?

What to eat to lose weight? This question always comes back. Who wouldn’t want to combine the useful with the pleasant, i.e. to eat without depriving oneself while losing weight? Dietitians have thought about this problem and have come up with answers that go in the right direction. Generally speaking, […]
January 26, 2022

How and why calculate your ideal weight?

How and why calculate your ideal weight?   How to know your ideal weight? The morphology of the body is different for each person. Muscular and fat masses are different depending on whether you are a man or a woman. There are also differences according to age. So, how can […]
March 30, 2022

Third commandment: Lose weight quickly

Third commandment: Lose weight quickly « Early treatment response as a predictor of ongoing weight loss in obesity treatment, British Journal of Health Psychology, November 2005. »   Looking for the predictive factors of successful weight loss? Here the the 4 factors: rapid weight loss quick change of habits regular follow-up high […]
July 1, 2022

Is there such a thing as protein to lose weight?

Is there such a thing as protein to lose weight? Most of the famous weight loss programs swear by protein, because it is the least caloric nutrient and the main component of our muscles. Nevertheless, their effectiveness depends on where they come from! We will answer the question that everyone […]
October 21, 2022

3 quick and easy exercises to lose thighs

3 quick and easy exercises to lose weight The morphology can be very different depending on the person. There are pear-shaped figures and apple-shaped figures… Men and women accumulate fat in different places on the body. While in men the fat is generally concentrated on the stomach, in women it […]