November 4, 2020

Weight loss = Prevention of heart disease = Prevention of cancer

Weight loss: prevention of heart disease You already know that eating well can help you lose weight and keep it off, but did you know that the same program can cut the risk of the two most serious diseases in North America in half? Research conducted by Drs. De Lorgeril […]
October 22, 2020

How valuable is your time?

How valuable is your time? People are often stressed because they don’t have enough time. Managing time is much more than accomplishing a maximum of things in a minimum of time. Often, lack of time stresses us because we don’t have the honesty to admit that our lifestyle is not […]
October 15, 2020

I’m hungry!

I’m hungry! Surprising but true: whether you’re dieting or maintaining your weight, you don’t have to be hungry. If you are not – if you are often or always hungry – try to determine the cause and remedy it. Keto Diet MInceur Motivation The less you eat, the less hungry […]
October 8, 2020

True or false

True or false ?   True or false: 2% milk is low in fat. False: An 8 ounce (250 ml) glass of 2% milk contains 5 grams of fat, about the same amount as two slices of bacon.   True or False: Soft drinks like Coca-Cola have about the same […]
September 10, 2020

Eat less and live better and longer

Eat less and live better and longer by Maurice Larocque, M.D. More and more studies are reporting that eating less but well slows down the aging process. Eating less also helps reduce physiological decline and the appearance of different diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, kidney failure and […]
August 26, 2020

How much weight can i lose on keto?

The word “”Keto”” comes from the English word ketosis. Ketosis is a natural reaction of the body when deprived of carbohydrates (sugar). When the body no longer has enough sugar to provide the energy it needs, it uses its fat, which is stored energy. With a ketogenic diet, the liver […]