November 24, 2021

Help us to help you.

Help us to help you. An important publication published in the AJBM (the journal of the American Association of Medicine concerned with weight management) which reports on the validation studies of the Mental Weight Questionnaire®. Dr. Stotland’s conclusions highlight the effectiveness and indispensability of such a tool in the treatment […]
November 17, 2021

Calorie banking

Calorie banking Once patients have reached the maintenance stage, “calorie banking” is a very practical approach to help them balance their food intake for life. It stems from the idea that we live in a society that is basically five days on and two days off (referring to a work […]
November 3, 2021

No miracle diet!

No miracle diet! The Motivation program is not  another miracle diet: it’s a scientific weight loss program that includes a personalized diet and behavioral and motivational change techniques.   Fast benefits… and for a long time! Our program allows you to achieve two goals: rapid weight loss and maintaining your […]
October 13, 2021

Are you stressed?

Are you stressed?   Questionnaire: Are you stressed? For each question, write on a separate sheet of paper the number that corresponds to the frequency with which you experience these various symptoms. Write down: 0 for never 1 for occasionally (about once or twice a month) 2 for fairly often […]
September 23, 2021

Why do I always fail?

Why do I always fail? Because you’ve only done half the treatment. There are actually two treatments to follow in order to be successful: 1. Weight loss, which is relatively easy by following a diet that is appropriate to your needs and expectations. 2. Weight maintenance, which has nothing to […]
July 19, 2021

An integrated approach

An integrated approach Weight loss with an emphasis only on changes of food choices, of fewer calories, of less of certain types of foods that one might enjoy, is difficult to sustain long term. One must not just focus on food, but integrate healthy eating with other appropriate lifestyle changes […]