March 14, 2022

Second Commandment: Choose what you want to eat

Second Commandment: Choose what you want to eat   “Primary care patient’s preferences for Very Low Calorie Diets vs Low Calorie Diets, 9th International Congress of Obesity, August 2002.”   For the past 50 years, my research and scientific publications have focused on identifying the best diet for losing weight. […]
February 3, 2022

Bulimia – The Queen of Emotions

Bulimia – The Queen of Emotions   “I’m going crazy. I don’t understand myself at all. What I did yesterday was absolutely horrible: I ate everything in the refrigerator, a whole grape pie, a quart of ice cream, half a box of chocolate cookies, that’s all that was left, and […]
February 1, 2022

Are you well informed?

Are you well informed? Take this short quiz to find out.   True or false: 2% milk is low in fat. False: An 8-ounce (250 ml) glass of 2% milk contains 5 grams of fat, about the same amount as two slices of bacon. Don’t tell me now that bacon […]
January 26, 2022

How and why calculate your ideal weight?

How and why calculate your ideal weight?   How to know your ideal weight? The morphology of the body is different for each person. Muscular and fat masses are different depending on whether you are a man or a woman. There are also differences according to age. So, how can […]
January 19, 2022

What to eat to lose weight?

What to eat to lose weight? This question always comes back. Who wouldn’t want to combine the useful with the pleasant, i.e. to eat without depriving oneself while losing weight? Dietitians have thought about this problem and have come up with answers that go in the right direction. Generally speaking, […]
December 28, 2021

Resolution 2022: Prevention

Resolution 2022: Prevention At the beginning of the year, some people make resolutions to improve their health. This is an interesting realization and one worth repeating every day. Every day we are a new person. Every day we make choices, hundreds if not thousands of choices. When to get up, […]