by Maurice Larocque, M.D.
After hearing for more than a decade that it is more damaging to your health to put back on weight lost than it is to stay overweight, thousands of people decided to no longer try to lose weight.
The consequence: we are witnessing an epidemic of obesity and type II diabetes.
A study was published in the renowned medical journal, “Annals of Internal Medicine”.
For nine years, researchers followed 6,400 obese or overweight people in order to evaluate the yo-yo effect on mortality.
The result of their study showed that people who tried to lose weight, even if they did not succeed in maintaining the weight lost, decreased their mortality by 24% versus those who did not diet.
More and more, we are seeing obesity as being like alcoholism and drug addiction: an emotion-based disease. This explains the number of relapses.
From this perspective, in order to help our patients more, our staff has taken specialized training in cognitive therapy provided by a professional psychologist.
This stress and emotional therapy is the most effective and often only takes a few minutes to avert bulimia, cravings or negative emotions.
Surely you know alcoholics who now are completely “dry” after several relapses.
Psychologically: with our help and your participation, the higher the number your past failures, the higher your chances for success. Physiologically: the fact of trying to lose weight once a gain with a good medically prescribed diet increases your life expectancy.
Do you have other excuses for not taking control of yourself?
Remember, we’re a team together.
Maurice Larocque, M.D.