Obesity and Life Expectancy

by Maurice Larocque, M.D.

At a time when researchers are talking about an obesity epidemic and that many people tend to under-estimate the consequences of obesity on their physical health, two studies published in 2003 recently caught our interest: :

Repeated tries to lose weight (even without long-term success/yo-yo effect) decreases mortality by 24% versus those who do not try at all to lose weight.

In 40-year-old obese non-smokers (>30 lbs), women die 7.1 years younger and men die 5.8 years younger than the average non-smoker of normal weight.

In obese smokers, women die 13.3 years younger and men 13.7 years younger than the average non-smoker of normal weight..

Obesity kills as many people as smoking.

No more excuses

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Each try brings you closer to success and good health. Think about alcoholics who manage to go sober after several relapses. Each time you put the weight back on is a great opportunity to improve.

Ask yourself the question

Why did I put the weight back on? Because I stopped going to my regular follow-ups? Because of mismanaged emotions and stress? Or because of a lack of motivation?

No more guilt

You are responsible for your behaviour and are paying the price for your excess weight. There’s no need to make things worse by blaming yourself.

Responsible without being guilty

Learn from your mistakes to improve. Wanting to change is the best quality a person can have. Surround yourself with a competent team specialized in motivation and change behaviour and use motivational tools adapted to your needs. You deserve to succeed and be happy.

Looking forward to teaming up with you,

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JF Larocque
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